
2014年7月21日—打開WryeBash-Skyrim,點選BashedPatch,0.esp,右鍵選單選RebuildPatch。之後左邊LeveledLists這個打勾,右邊Automatic取消打勾再勾起來一次,讓 ...,2022年9月2日—簡單的用WryeBash製作patch,並以SSEEdit檢查mod衝突的方法如下:1.首先先下載上面兩個藍字連結的輔助工具。2.兩者都安裝好後,先開啟WryeBash ...,2023年1月3日—AdifferentBashedPatchcanbecreatedforeveryMOprofile,soitisadvisedtomovetheBashe...


2014年7月21日 — 打開Wrye Bash - Skyrim,點選Bashed Patch, 0.esp,右鍵選單選Rebuild Patch。 之後左邊Leveled Lists這個打勾,右邊Automatic取消打勾再勾起來一次,讓 ...

簡單的用Wrye Bash製作patch,並以SSEEdit檢查mod衝突的方法

2022年9月2日 — 簡單的用Wrye Bash製作patch,並以SSEEdit檢查mod衝突的方法如下: 1.首先先下載上面兩個藍字連結的輔助工具。 2.兩者都安裝好後,先開啟Wrye Bash ...

SkyrimLE:Bashed Patch - Step Mods

2023年1月3日 — A different Bashed Patch can be created for every MO profile, so it is advised to move the Bashed Patch and its data to a separate mod folder.

What is a Bashed Patch ?

2015年5月13日 — A bashed patch mainly merges leveled lists from various mods so that they play nice together. It may also merge a few mods into it so you will ...

Bashed Patch and Conflict Resolution

2022年9月8日 — Building a successful Bashed Patch is usually a trial and error process of figuring out what mods in your load order need specific tags. This ...

Wrye Bash

2023年5月28日 — Optional, but bashed patch fixes most compatibility problems, is required for hearthfire house building. Revenge Of the Enemies 2016 ...

Bashed patch?

2022年3月3日 — As I understand it, Bashed patch makes different mods with different leveled lists generate their items in equal proportion in the world.

What is the purpose of a Bashed Patch and when to use it?

2019年3月11日 — A bashed patch is a user created patch to fix inconsistencies in mods. It allows for leveled lists and changes to items to play well with ...

Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法

Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法
